Fauquier County Fire Rescue System30 John Marshall Street Warrenton, Virginia 20186 Administration / Operations- 540-422-8800 |
Volunteer Fire Rescue Forms
In accordance with Operating Procedure 703, Accident, Injury and Property Loss Reporting, see the guidance below for reporting job related injuries/illnesses, vehicle accidents, and property damage. It is the responsibility of the employee to report any injury/illness, vehicle accident, or property damage incurred while performing their official duties. The reporting of such incidents shall be done immediately or as soon as practical to their immediate supervisor. DO NOT delay medical treatment if necessary. If you believe there was a risk of exposure follow exposure control plan and contact Exposure Control Officer. Employee: After the supervisor is notified, the employee and supervisor (together if possible) will access the Industry Safe reporting database via the public web form: https://app.industrysafe.com/FAUQUIERCO/incidents/ The employee needs to fill out the basic information module and attach any photos or memos. Be accurate and descriptive. The report shall be marked "In progress" under the incident analysis tab. If an injury occurred, ensure the Company Nurse Injury Hotline (1-888-770-0925) is contacted with supervisor. Company Nurse accounts are identified as: a. Career staff – V030 b. Volunteer – V030V If seeking medical treatment, take FRF901 to the physician to complete. Turn in to the on-duty BC and forward to the AC. Volunteers need to turn in the form to the Chief of their department. FRF 901 Environmental Demands Only form Fauquier County - Worker's Compensation Panel of Physicians FRF 964 - Mid-Year Funding Request |
New Members: Please complete the forms that are * below. New Member Application Tutorial
* Application Package Approval Checklist (Application Package Checklist Explanation Sample) * Volunteer Application 11-2011Rev * Life Insurance Beneficiary Form New coverages include:
Print and sign or digitally sign and email and return form to Trish Jackson, Trish.Jackson@fauquiercounty.gov. If you have any questions please call 540-422-8805. Transfer Membership: Please complete the forms that are ** below. Vol. Members Move/Change Agency Tutorial
** Fauquier Volunteer Action Form ** Volunteer Permission to Release Information |